
Derivan Student Acrylics

A low priced, good quality, non-toxic acrylic for general secondary art education. The versatile colour range covers all colours required on a students palette. The colours are partly transparent to allow maximum light refraction and adaption to various painting techniques. The paint mixes freely with water and does not crack or peel when dry. Contains a "built-in" solubiliser so that wet or dry stains can be removed form students' clothing. Made with pure acrylic binder.

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STUG1BK STUG1BK #DERIVAN STUDENT ACRYLIC 1 LITRE BLACK. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours 1 Login For Price
STUG1BU STUG1BU #DERIVAN STUDENT ACRYLIC 1 LITRE BURNT UMBER. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG1GD STUG1GD #DERIVAN STUDENT ACRYLIC 1 LITRE GREEN DEEP. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours 5 Login For Price
STUG1GG STUG1GG *DERIVAN STUDENT ACRYLIC 1 LITRE GLITTER GOLD. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours 2 Login For Price
STUG1GL STUG1GL #DERIVAN STUDENT ACRYLIC 1 LITRE GREEN LITE. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG1LY STUG1LY #DERIVAN STUDENT ACRYLIC 1 LITRE LEMON (COOL) YELLOW. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG1MA STUG1MA #DERIVAN STUDENT ACRYLIC 1 LITRE MAGENTA. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG1MG STUG1MG #DERIVAN STUDENT ACRYLIC 1 LITRE METALLIC GOLD. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG1MS STUG1MS #DERIVAN STUDENT ACRYLIC 1 LITRE METALLIC SILVER. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG1OR STUG1OR #DERIVAN STUDENT ACRYLIC 1 LITRE ORANGE. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG1PB STUG1PB #DERIVAN STUDENT ACRYLIC 1 LITRE PHTHALO (COOL) BLUE. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG1PU STUG1PU #DERIVAN STUDENT ACRYLIC 1 LITRE PURPLE. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG1RE STUG1RE #DERIVAN STUDENT ACRYLIC 1 LITRE COOL RED. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG1RO STUG1RO DERIVAN STUDENT ACRYLIC 1 LITRE RED OXIDE. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours 8 Login For Price
STUG1RS STUG1RS #DERIVAN STUDENT ACRYLIC 1 LITRE RAW SIENNA. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG1SC STUG1SC #DERIVAN STUDENT ACRYLIC 1 LITRE SCARLET (WARM RED). Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG1TU STUG1TU #DERIVAN STUDENT ACRYLIC 1 LITRE TURQUOISE. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG1WH STUG1WH #DERIVAN STUDENT ACRYLIC 1 LITRE WHITE. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG1YE STUG1YE #DERIVAN STUDENT ACRYLIC 1 LITRE WARM YELLOW. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG1YO STUG1YO #DERIVAN STUDENT ACRYLIC 1 LITRE YELLOW OXIDE. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG2BK STUG2BK #DERIVAN ECI STUDENT GRADE ACRYLIC 2 LITRE BLACK. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG2BU STUG2BU #DERIVAN ECO STUDENT ACRYLIC 2 LITRE BURNT UMBER. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price


on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG2GD STUG2GD #DERIVAN ECO STUDENT ACRYLIC 2 LITRE GREEN DEEPCreated for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG2GL STUG2GL #DERIVAN ECO STUDENT ACRYLIC 2Ltr GREEN LIGHT. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG2LY STUG2LY #DERIVAN ECO STUDENT ACRYLIC 2 LITRE LEMON (COOL) YELLOW.Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG2MA STUG2MA #DERIVAN ECO STUDENT ACRYLIC 2 LITRE MAGENTA. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG2OR STUG2OR #DERIVAN ECI STUDENT ACRYLIC 2 LITRE ORANGE. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours 2 Login For Price
STUG2PB STUG2PB DERIVAN ECO STUDENT ACRYLIC 2 LITRE COOL (PHTHALO) BLUE Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours 6 Login For Price
STUG2PU STUG2PU #DERIVAN ECI STUDENT ACRYLIC 2 LITRE PURPLE. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG2RE STUG2RE DERIVAN ECO STUDENT ACRYLIC 2 LITRE COOL RED Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours 6 Login For Price
STUG2RO STUG2RO #DERIVAN ECO STUDENT ACRYLIC 2 LITRE RED OXIDE. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG2SC STUG2SC DERIVAN ECO STUDENT ACRYLIC 2 LITRE WARM (SCARLET) RED Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours 6 Login For Price
STUG2TU STUG2TU #DERIVAN ECO STUDENT ACRYLIC 2 LITRE TURQUOISE. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG2UB STUG2UB DERIVAN ECO STUDENT ACRYLIC 2 LITRE WARM (ULTRA) BLUE Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours 5 Login For Price


on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG2YE STUG2YE #DERIVAN ECO STUDENT ACRYLIC 2 LITRE WARM YELLOW.Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG2YO STUG2YO #DERIVAN ECI STUDENT ACRYLIC 2 LITRE YELLOW OXIDE. Created for general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a professional quality acrylic paint at a student price. The 20 colours available (gold and silver only available in 1 litre bottles) includes the essential cool and warm primary colours, secondary and tertiary colours on order - coming soon Login For Price
STUG2FL STUW2WH DERIVAN ECO STUDENT GRADE ACRYLIC 2 LITRE WHITE For general art education - great for teaching colour mixing producing strong, pure secondary and tertiary colours with smooth buttery consistency. Can be used for screen printing, block printing and all painting techniques from impasto to water-colour effects. Derivan Student grade has been manufactured in Australia since 1964 and as part of their commitment to producing only the best products, Derivan Student acrylic is made using a pure acrylic binder giving you the advantage of a quality acrylic paint at a student price. The range includes the essential primary colurs (cool and warm), secondary and tertiary colours. on order - coming soon Login For Price
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